Hi everyone, I tried following the <Terraform gist...
# prefect-ui
Hi everyone, I tried following the Terraform gist and created a Prefect Server on an Azure Virtual Machine. However, when I open the UI it is empty. I tried creating the tenant too (see top right) but the UI remains empty. The agents are running on Azure Kubernetes Service. The Web UI gives this error (see thread)
Copy code
Uncaught (in promise) AuthSdkError: PKCE requires a modern browser with encryption support running in a secure context.
The current page is not being served with HTTPS protocol. PKCE requires secure HTTPS protocol.
    i okta-auth-js.umd.js:628
    t okta-auth-js.umd.js:479
    t okta-auth-js.umd.js:457
    r okta-auth-js.umd.js:457
    t okta-auth-js.umd.js:58
    r okta-auth-js.umd.js:58
    F okta-auth-js.umd.js:155
    ee okta-auth-js.umd.js:347
    value okta-auth-js.umd.js:605
    value okta-auth-js.umd.js:605
    value okta-auth-js.umd.js:605
    t actions.js:175
    u runtime.js:63
    _invoke runtime.js:293
    b runtime.js:118
    l app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    d app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    d app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    login actions.js:173
    y vuex.esm.js:851
    dispatch vuex.esm.js:516
    dispatch vuex.esm.js:406
    dispatch vuex.esm.js:779
    t actions.js:101
    u runtime.js:63
    _invoke runtime.js:293
    b runtime.js:118
    l app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*l app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*l app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    d app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    d app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    authenticate actions.js:43
    y vuex.esm.js:851
    dispatch vuex.esm.js:516
    dispatch vuex.esm.js:406
    e main.js:348
    u runtime.js:63
    _invoke runtime.js:293
    b runtime.js:118
    x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    S app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    S app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    N main.js:343
    e main.js:385
    u runtime.js:63
    _invoke runtime.js:293
    b runtime.js:118
    x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    o app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    promise callback*x app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
    s app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1
👋 hi rehan, which browser are you using? Have you tried others?
and are you using HTTPS in your UI and API calls?
Hi, I've tried with Firefox and Edge. Don't have Chrome on the work computer so can't tell about it. I'm using HTTP calls. Not HTTPS because with HTTPS it doesn't connect
let me look into it
On internet explorer it just shows the dots and nothing else.
normally that means it's having difficulty talking to Server, but I'm not sure that's what's happening here
You mean the UI is having difficulty talking to the server?
When I refresh, the server logs "start moving" I think that it indeed can talk to the UI.
yes, sorry--I mean that normally the UI is having trouble talking to the API. But that error seems to suggest that the problem is related to SSL. I need to check in with a UI engineer on some assumptions I've made
that's my gist so I'll be sure to update it if there's something wrong with the startup script!
in that gist, we tell the UI where to reach Server like this... this won't work in Azure--did you replace this?
Copy code
IP=`curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" <http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip>`
I put the IP of the VM manually
Ideally, should it work with HTTPS too?
Btw thank you so much for the quick response 😁
There was something more in logs that I missed. Maybe this will help:
Error in setup Error: Missing authorization
at main.js:356
at u (runtime.js:63)
at Generator._invoke (runtime.js:293)
at Generator.next (runtime.js:118)
at x (app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1)
at o (app~d0ae3f07.e3896f1c.js:1)
yeah that seems related to what I'm looking into
If you want, I can PM you the IP of the server. And you can check yourself.
what version of the UI image are you using per chance?
or i guess are you just running prefect server start from a fresh prefect repo clone?
Running prefect server start from the fresh prefect repo. Just like in the gist. I could try older versions tomorrow and let you guys know maybe
OK great--I think based on that error we just need to run a different version of that. let me get ahold of how to do that
can you update the prefect server start command to
prefect server start --ui-version 2021-04-15
feel free to try it whenever you like and get back to me as you will
Works. Thanks 😄
marvin 1