Hi and good morning from Europe! I ran into some u...
# prefect-ui
Hi and good morning from Europe! I ran into some unexpected behavior, which I think should be better documented: When I change the parameters in the UI settings of a flow, the changes only apply to runs that are not already scheduled. This is not completely illogical to me, but also not obvious. I think it would be ideal if the UI could ask if scheduled runs should be updated.
Hi @Florian Kühnlenz - thanks for raising this. We’re working on updating this behavior and will make sure to improve the docs and explanations too.
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Great Thanks!
Is there an issue I can follow?
Even though it may not immediately appear to be, it’s connected to this issue: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/ui/issues/765
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Hi Florian. We have released an update for this and now any changes in the parameters page should update all run parameters unless you have explicitly selected them in the parameters tab when creating a schedule
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