I have a very stupid issue. I'm running a prefect ...
# prefect-ui
I have a very stupid issue. I'm running a prefect server locally (ui, postgres, etc) and I inadvertently pressed "cloud" in the top right corner of the UI just to see what it does. Since then, every time I open "localhost:8080" i'm redirected to the cloud login, instead of seeing my local UI. I cannot understand where I can revert that behavior (does not seem to be in the config). Tried to prune all docker containers but same result.
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I’ve gotten stuck in that loop as well, I think I solved it by clearing my Local Storage for the site in the browser
Hi @Aurélien Vallée - this is on our radar and there's a PR open to fix. In the meantime, if you clear your browser's cache you should be able to navigate back to server no problem. Alternatively, if you stop navigation while on localhost:8080 (not letting it redirect to the Cloud login page), you can open the dev console and type
Late night coding @nicholas? 😄
trick worked 🙂 thanks a lot!
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Always @Noah Holm :^)
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Great @Aurélien Vallée! We should have that fixed soon 🙂
You can also delete cookies 🙂 That worked for me 🙂 Oh, didn’t see it was already suggested 🙂