Hi, is there a way to create an agent config in th...
# prefect-ui
Hi, is there a way to create an agent config in the UI? I see that I can create one under automations, but I don't see a way to edit its values.
Hey @Brian Phillips,Not 100% sure. Would need to double check but I think you can create it but not edit through the UI. There is the
mutation but it’s not straightforward to work with
Thanks, I was able to mutate the settings field through the graphql interface. Not ideal, but definitely workable.
👍 1
Hi @Brian Phillips - can you give a bit more information about what you’re trying to do. Editing the agent config is possible but the settings for automations etc are not actually held in the agent config settings. They’re held in a separate hook that’s linked to the agent through the agent config id. Happy to help with figuring out the right mutations to help you make what edits you need.
Hi Jenny, I'm not working with automations at the moment, just trying to create agents configs that I can reference in the start commands for ECS agents. I'm not sure if this is the best pattern, just started working with Prefect recently.
Aha! Ok. Thanks for the extra info
Hi Brian - I’m checking with the team but wanted to give you a heads up that I’ve not heard of anyone using agent config this way. The docs on ECS agents might help here: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/agents/ecs.html#launch-type
Thanks for the heads up, I did end up specifying the agent settings somewhere else.
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