Hi, how do you configure the timezone of the UI? A...
# prefect-ui
Hi, how do you configure the timezone of the UI? All my processes are in UTC, I don’t see where to set it.
Hi @Baum - if you’re using Prefect Cloud, you can set your timezone in your user settings by clicking the Avatar in the top right of the screen and clicking settings. Since these are user-specific, there is no equivalent setting in Prefect Server
I’m using prefect server, how does the ui find my timezone? My local machine is KST while my remote machine is UTC. Do you think changing my local machine to UTC will do the job?
I think all database timestamps are created in UTC, which means local time won’t impact them; this sounds like a good UI issue to open if you don’t mind opening a ticket for the request. I imagine we can resolve this in Server (where there are no user settings) by defaulting to the client (browser) timezone instead
👍 1
Thank you so much :)
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