Hi, Is it normal that my runs are reinitialized ? ...
# prefect-ui
Hi, Is it normal that my runs are reinitialized ? I don’t see any historic
Hi @Aldo M - can you explain a little more what you’re seeing and what you’re expecting?
I runned my flow many times last week, and coming back today I don’t see any of my previous run. It just vanished.
I am working with the local Agent for now
I see that you’re currently on version 4, I thought maybe you were looking only at a specific version but the drop down up by quick run says “all” 🤔 Just curious, if you change that to the version you had when you ran last week do you see additional runs in the history graph?
Ah I see @Aldo M - if you’re running this in Prefect Cloud on a Free plan, the history retention period is 7 days; this means that Cloud will not retain flow runs/states/logs etc past that retention period.
Yes I am on free plan. Ahh okayy! I forgot about this!! 😅
Happy to help! 🙂