Is there a way I can make these logs more space ef...
# prefect-ui
Is there a way I can make these logs more space efficient? Each line of logs takes up so much screen space that I have to scroll quite a lot to read through the logs.
Also, is it possible for me to load older/newer logs while still being able to see the current logs?
Hi @Ken Nguyen, will ask the UI team about this
Thank you!!
For loading older/newer logs, would the filter menu help in this case?
Unfortunately our logs are still too long for the filter function to be helpful
If navigating in the UI is hard, have you tried downloading them?
upvote 1
This is more of an inconvenience after switching from Airflow that doesn't really warrant a bypass with an extra step of downloading the logs. This is more for our data team's analysts who just wants to quickly browse the logs after a dbt flow is run to make sure no errors are critical ones
For sure, I don’t think we’re opposed to opening a ticket. Was just seeing if there was something to help you in the meantime
Appreciate it! Is there a formal process I need to go through to open this ticket? This isn't urgent, just a nice to have!
There is no formal process. You can go here to open up an issue. Thanks for your feedback!
Just my two cents, there is already this issue: I think it would be great if it gets implemented. My work around currently is to grab the logs from the database directly. However the issue is tagged as consider for orion. So I assume it wouldnt be implemented until orion is around?
Hi @Joël Luijmes and @Ken Nguyen - thanks for the feedback and for raising this one. The 'consider for orion' label is one for us to make sure we take feedback into account for Orion.
Looks like you have slightly different requests for a similar issue - @Ken Nguyen - would the suggestion in #487 work for you? If you want to create a new ticket or add some details here or to #487 about what you would like we can consider it further.
@Jenny #487 is also a great suggestion, but I would love it if full logs could be viewed on browser since that's much quicker for our team to work with. I'll create a separate ticket!
👍 1
Hi @Jenny @Ken Nguyen, are either of you aware of any updates to this. The GitHub issue gives me a 404 and can’t find anything else. I second Ken’s desire of wanting to easily access the entire logs.
Hi @Matthew Millendorf - this feedback helped our designs for our new logs page in Orion - you can see more detail here: There's also an open ticket in the current UI which you are welcome to add to:
upvote 2
Thank you@
Thank you!*