Is there a bug going around for the task-run schem...
# prefect-ui
Is there a bug going around for the task-run schematic page not updating? On our's it shows all tasks as pending yet the flow is absolutely running and the logs show that. It just started for us (last 40 minutes). Prefect version 0.15.7 and we're using the prefect-cloud.
Hi @William Burdett - there haven’t been any changes recently that would impact that page; does the issue persist on refresh?
Yup, on refresh and separate computers
Would you mind sending the flow run id so we can take a look? Feel free to DM me if that’s better.
Hi @William Burdett - we’ve identified an issue that was causing a delay in task run state reporting; when you get a chance would you mind checking again?
Sorry I totally missed that previous message. I'll check
Yup, looks good to me.