Hi there! New to Prefect, trying it out for a proj...
# prefect-ui
Hi there! New to Prefect, trying it out for a project and have a quick question. I've been spinning up the server for local testing using
prefect server start
and everything works great so far. I want to play around with adding some volumes to the docker-compose file so my prefect flows can use my real data set. I ran
prefect server config > docker-compose.yaml
as per the readme and then
docker-compose up
(making no changes to the docker-compose file). When I spin up Prefect using the exported docker-compose file, UI initially loads fine, but when I click the button to create a new project, I get a failure or a spinner and the project isn't created. I compared the logs when
prefect server start
docker-compose up
and they look pretty much the same - things happen in a slightly different order, but only really salient difference seems to be that
prefect server start
prints that big ASCII "Welcome to Prefect Server." Any ideas for how I might debug this? Here's the
"config_overrides": {},
"env_vars": [],
"system_information": {
"platform": "macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit",
"prefect_backend": "server",
"prefect_version": "0.15.9",
"python_version": "3.8.8"
Hey @Alex Prokop, just wanna be sure you know that Prefect Cloud is free to sign up for and gives 20000 task runs free every month. In your case though, I am wondering if the API spun up right. Can you try going to
and see if you see the GraphQL playground?
Wait sorry I read this again, and you should not be putting your data volumes on Prefect Server. This should be done on the flow side. When you make a flow with the DockerRun configuration, you can attach volumes to that flow. Prefect does not hold any of your data or code
@Kevin Kho - thanks for the info! I'll look more into whether Prefect Cloud might work for the org for sure, in my environment there would be hoops for me to even try it I think so wanted to just get running. To your question, yes the GraphQL playground does come up 🤔. If there's anything else I should try, let me know! Was thinking of trying to rig Prefect to print out the docker-compose file it uses on
prefect server start
to see if there are any differences. And to your other point, ah I see, that makes a lot of sense, the volumes should be attached to the flow not the server/UI. Will go down that path. One more question - Let's say I wanted to run a local dev environment with Prefect and all its containers (and that Cloud is not an option for now), a Node container, an ElasticSearch container, and an app DB container, and would like it to come up in one command if possible. I was thinking the best way to do that would be to add my other containers to the docker-compose file generated by
prefect server config
and run from there. Does that sound like a reasonable path to you?
I think so. This repo might help you.
Thanks very much!