I’ve been continuing to run into some issues with ...
# prefect-ui
I’ve been continuing to run into some issues with the Prefect Cloud UI becoming unresponsive in Chrome. I was thinking about entering a bug on github; however, I’m not sure what details I can provide to help troubleshoot this. Is there anything I can capture on my end when it happens that would help? (I’m not much of a front-end dev)
This may be caused by many browser-related issues unrelated to Prefect. Can you first check whether the issue still occurs after you cleared your browser history and cookies? It could also happen when you have too many tabs/processes open at the same time. Does it happen when you use a different browser e.g. Safari/Firefox? I will ask the UI team but it may be hard to reproduce
I’ve definitely cleared history and cookies. I brought this up back in November (I think it’s too old for slack now) and another use mentioned they saw the same thing. I’ll see if I can reproduce with Firefox and Safari. I never use them so it will be easy to leave them open with one tab each and see if it happens. I understand about the difficultly, that’s why I figured I see if there was anything bread crumbs I might be able to find if it does turn out to be an issue.
I often do have a bunch of tabs in Chrome; however, Prefect tabs are the only ones I’ve ever seen this on. Hopefully I can reproduce it and rule out a few things.
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I can try it on my Windows machine as well and see what happens.
what was the page you were on were you encountered that issue?
I’ve seen it under the main “dashboard” of a project along with task run details
keep us posted if you know more, we would then try to reproduce
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Thanks for keeping us updated @Kevin Mullins. Anna has already asked most of my questions but I also wonder how long a tab is open for before you see this? I wish we were able to accurately reproduce this!
Honestly, usually it’s several hours. Like I work with Prefect for a tad, move on to other things and come back later in the day. Or even better is if I leave tabs open overnight it happens. So far today, I haven’t reproduced it being fully unresponsive; however, the pages are definitely slower in Chrome (2 separate pcs), Firefox, and Safari. Firefox is now giving a warning. So I think something is going on, although I wish I had more details:
@Jenny - I’m going to leave them open this evening and see if they get fully unresponsive by the morning.
Thanks @Kevin Mullins
I believe I’ve reproduced it in Safari (it manifests a bit different). It’s been open about 5 hours on a flow overview and while I can scroll the page, I cannot click on anything. Unless Chrome, a refresh of the page seems to fix it.
Also reproduced on a separate Windows machine running chrome instead of my normal mac:
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