We've got our first flow, already being used by mu...
# prefect-ui
We've got our first flow, already being used by multiple members of our team. The flow relies on having the user type in their username as a parameter. Since the user is already logged into the Prefect UI, is there a way to capture their username/email address and pass as a parameter?
To the best of my knowledge, there is not since the Auth to log into Prefect Cloud UI is an entirely different application to what is used by your Prefect flow. I will ask the UI team to be sure but if you don't hear anything more from my side, it means it's not possible.
Thanks, I guess the challenge here is this flow is purely manual in nature i.e. I wouldn't expect that kind of feature to be useful for scheduled jobs etc, but we just want to capture the user's email at the point they click "run" manually
I think in that case querying GraphQL from within the flow may be the solution you need:
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query {
  user {
@Dan Morris you could try something like this:
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import prefect
from prefect import Client
from prefect import task, Flow

def get_user_info():
    client = Client()
    flow_run_id = prefect.context.get("flow_run_id")
    query = (
            query {
              flow_run(where: { id: {_eq: \""""
        + flow_run_id
        + """\"} })  {
                created_by {
    results = client.graphql(query)

with Flow("user") as flow:
This is spot-on! And thanks for the warm welcome 😊
👍 1
For completeness - with some work I've come up with this as a class which I'm using - I'm a n00b to python so any constructive criticism is very much welcome
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import ldap3
import prefect 

class SecurityPrincipal:
    A group of attributes and methods required for authentication and identification
        - service (str): the name of a server, website or service we wish to authenticate 
            against. It may be a functional URI or merely a label for user identification
        - user (str, optional): the username of a security principal to be authenticated
        - distinguished_name (str, optional): string required to authenticate when using ldap
        - name (str, optional): a label that identifies the principal
        - mail (str, optional): a user or person's email address
    def __init__(
        service: str,
        user: str = None,
        distinguished_name: str = None,
        name: str = None,
        mail: str = None,
        self.service = service
        self.user = user
        self.distinguished_name = distinguished_name
        self.name = name
        self.mail = mail
    def set_local_secret(self, secret):
        Accepts a string in clear text to use as a secret, maybe a password
        self.secret = secret
        return self
    def get_secret(self):
        Returns your clear string secret
        This method is expected to be replaced in sub-classes, such as retrieval 
        of a secret from the Windows Credential Manager, or an Azure Key Vault. 
        In such cases the secret attribute set by set_local_secret will take precedence.
            return self.secret
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError(f'Secret value not set for service {self.service}')
    def ldap_search(
        ldap_user: "SecurityPrincipal",
        search_base: str,
        search_attribute: str = 'mail',
        objectclass: str = 'user',
        returned_attributes: list[str] = ['name'],
        Performs an ldap search and stores the requested attributes from the first entry found
            - ldap_user (SecurityPrincipal): for authentication against the DIT
            - search_base (str): the location in the DIT where the search will start
            - search_attribute (str, optional): name of a known attribute value to compare 
                against in the DIT. Default is 'mail'
            - objectclass: str, optional): the class of the object to find. Default is 'user'
            - returned_attributes (list[str], optional): a list of attribute names that will 
                be retrieved and stored from the first entry returned. Default is ['name']
        search_filter = 
            f'(&({search_attribute}={getattr(self, search_attribute)})(objectclass={objectclass}))'
        server = ldap3.Server(
            ldap_user.service, use_ssl=True, get_info=ldap3.ALL
        connection = ldap3.Connection(
            server, ldap_user.distinguished_name, ldap_user.get_secret(), auto_bind=True
        first_entry = connection.entries[0]
        for attr in returned_attributes:
            setattr(self, attr, getattr(first_entry, attr))
        return self
    def prefect_lookup(
        source_attribute: str = 'email',
        destination_attribute: str = 'mail',
        Stores information about a flow run creator from the prefect cloud ui to an attribute
            - source_attribute (str): name of the key value to be retrieved from prefect cloud 
                ui. Default is 'email'
            - destination_attribute (str): name of the attribute in this class instance to attach 
                the retrieved value to. Default is 'mail'
        client = prefect.Client()
        flow_run_id = prefect.context.get('flow_run_id')
        query = 'query {flow_run(where: { id: {_eq: "' + flow_run_id + '"} }) {created_by {' + source_attribute + '}}}'
        result = client.graphql(query)
        setattr(self, destination_attribute, result['data']['flow_run'][0]['created_by'][source_attribute])
        return self
what’s the purpose of this? do you want to get a mapping of flow run ID and who created that run and store it somewhere?
Sort of. I'm automating a logging process we must do for business reasons, currently it's manual, and is in a SharePoint list. Our Prefect service account gets us authorised, but we lose the detail around who was responsible for the data export. With your help above on GraphQL I am able to accomplish this now and have obtained sign-off. I added the ldap bit so I could upgrade the column in Sharepoint that accepts the prefect user's identity from free-text to a "person picker" - string needs to be exact otherwise it fails. I was just thinking long-term and big-picture: it made sense to me to generalise and parameterise. Now these methods are exposed for use in any of our tasks that have an instance of this class or one of it's sub-classes available in scope.
Thanks for sharing your use case. If you need any help with that, feel free to reach out to our Professional Services team. I remember one colleague from this team was involved in a somewhat similar project exporting LDAP information to Snowflake for audit and reporting.