Hi I deployed prefect to my Kubernetes cluster usi...
# prefect-ui
Hi I deployed prefect to my Kubernetes cluster using the Helm chart. It has been working for a while now. But I am now getting this error when visiting the UI:
TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'role')
Anyone know what this means?
This looks like a JavaScript error rather than PRefect error - can you share more about: 1. which browser do you use? 2. under what cirtcumstances did you see that error (e.g. when doing something after a long pause or when loading the UI for the first time? Also, with any UI issues it's always great to see an actual screenshot - could you take one showing the error message?
Im using Opera. I get the same with Chrome as well 🤔
Does it mean I do not have a tenant?
am I looking at a different screenshot? 😄 I don't see the error you mentioned in the original message and I only see a message that clearly says: turn off your adblocker to make this site work properly 😆
but yeah your tenant field seems empty at the top - you can create one directly as part of your helm chart, I can send a code snippet from the README
its not the red one. its the info message related to
I am wondering about 🤔
To automatically create a default tenant, use the flag
--set jobs.createTenant.enabled=true
. https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/tree/master/helm/prefect-server#tenant
oh I didn't even look at info, you're right, the type error is there
but creating a tenant is required anyway so you may start troubleshooting wit that step then turning off your adblocker may also be worth a shot
ah oki, nice, thanks!
👍 1