Hi there! Would love to ask are there issues you (...
# prefect-contributors
Hi there! Would love to ask are there issues you (experienced developers and team of prefect) prefer me to get? I need something for person who just start getting familiar with the project, but probably not just one line issues.
Hi Troy and welcome! I shared in the other channel that @Laura Lorenz (she/her) will be hosting a livestream later today about contributing to the task library - that might be a good place to start.
But you can also take a look at issues that are labelled "good first issue" https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22
Let us know what you think and if you have any questions! Looking forward to working with you!
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I finally understand. You'll have a stream at 16 by Washington time, won't you? It will be a deep night by my time 😞 so I won't be able to join. But I'll try to find issues on my own
Oh - sorry I didn't factor in the time difference!
Hi @Troy Köhler the stream will be recorded, so you can watch it tomorrow at a normal time if you like 🙂 We will be walking through these docs on contributing to the task library (https://coda.io/@laura-lorenz/contributing-to-the-task-library), which I actually think is a great choice for you since you want more than a one-liner, but are still getting familiar with Prefect!
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@Laura Lorenz (she/her) i'm sure you're right! recording seems like a perfect fit for me. thanks!
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I'm sorry if my question would sound silly, I watched the demo on prefect.io and got some understanding of the product, like what it looks from the user's point of view. But it's still hard to understand for me what actual use cases and user personas for the product. Of course, I may write code without an understanding of all these details, but with more context, I'll be more effective in my issue choices and my motivation would remain longer (just a little observation from my working experience). I'm sure you have some kind of doc on this also. If it's ok, i'd be happy to investigate 🐛
Hi Troy! Not a silly question at all. We try not to be prescriptive about who or what Prefect is for, as we've seen many different use cases. However, if it helps to have a specific audience, many of our users are data engineers. Here's a blog post from one user that might give ideas: https://www.symphonyrm.com/galaxy-brain-data-science-workflows-with-prefect-dask/
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