Implementing experimental server helm chart; quest...
# prefect-contributors
Implementing experimental server helm chart; question 5 continued (“5b”) -- Now overriding values via env settings in graphql and towel containers — eg: PREFECT__API__URL PREFECT__DATABASE__HOST PREFECT__DATABASE__PORT PREFECT__DATABASE__USERNAME PREFECT__DATABASE__PASSWORD PREFECT__HASURA__HOST PREFECT__HASURA__PORT EDIT — should these be “PREFECT_SERVER__…” rather than “PREFECT__…“? --- I can feed some values through to chart “values.yaml” — “queued_runs_returned_limit”, etc. --- Question 5c) But what about this:
# deploy environment, which impacts default values for some settings.
# Make sure this is lower case because config keys are lower case.
env = “local”
Where are the defaults that it impacts, and should I use (/create) a new
setting? (“kubernetes” — for instance?) Question 5d) What about the config.toml [services] block? With “host=”, is this outbound config? I was thinking that this is config for graphql and for towel. Is it config for apollo to? Do I eg. need to set PREFECT__SERVICES__APOLLO__PORT in the apollo container? … hmm… afaikt … this isn’t read there. Is this then obsolete config? Or in fact inbound config? EDIT — so apollo env in docker-compose has
. Is there something in the apollo that is reading the toml and these interpolations? (If so, why use different form for HASURA etc here?)