Hey all! :wave: Two livestream events coming up th...
# events
Hey all! 👋 Two livestream events coming up this week: • Come see what Prefect 2 is all about! I’m doing an introductory demo of Prefect 2 today, Tuesday, at 1pm ET. Join here! 🎉@alex is diving into the
collection on PrefectLive tomorrow, Wednesday, at 3pm ET. Learn how Prefect integrates with dbt and what’s ahead for blocks. Join us on Twitch or YouTube. Don’t forget that you can subscribe to our events calendar so you don’t miss any of the action. 🙂 (calendar link updated)
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@Jeff Hale Thanks for the heads up. FYI, the events calendar only shows a google calendar with blocked off busy appointments but no details. Maybe you need to open up the permissions?
@John Kang how's it look now?
Still private. I reloaded too
hmmm sorry about that, looks like we had some ent-wide settings change. will let you know when we're back to public visibility.
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Thanks @John Kang.
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