Hello. Working on the migration to 2.0, I can’t se...
# prefect-community
Hello. Working on the migration to 2.0, I can’t seem to find any documentation for how to migrate Results storage. In 1.0 I had an S3 bucket with a short lifecycle policy to store results/cache data between runs, but I’m not seeing where I would set that up for 2.0.
You can set your storage block in the UI and set the lifetime policy on the bucket itself. https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-deploy-prefect-2-0-flows-to-aws/1252
I understand how to set up a storage block, but how/where am I configuring that the block should be used for results? I would prefer not to use the same block for flow storage and results storage, since the flow storage shouldn’t have a defined lifecycle policy.
Orion tasks results are persisted where
is set too. You can also set the cache experiation on a per task basis https://docs.prefect.io/concepts/tasks/#caching
Got it. I’m guessing that can be an S3 path?
It currently gets fed into a LocalFileSystem but it will support remote file systems in the future.
Ok. So sounds like there’s no way to recreate quite what I had in v1…yet