Are there any plans (or existing methods) to allow...
# prefect-community
Are there any plans (or existing methods) to allow users to save flow code to its storage block in an ad-hoc manner, independently of the deployment process? This seems like it could be nice for CI/CD workflows where only the flow code used by existing deployments is updated, but no new deployment actually needs to be created. It seems like the workaround for this right now is just to build a “dummy” deployment but not apply it, but I’m afraid that might introduce unintended side effects down the line.
plus one 1
Thanks Anna! We are doing something very similar for detecting flow code changes but it looks like you’re still using
prefect deployment build
to push the code changes to storage unless I’m misunderstanding something?
True, but you can use the same to only do that if specific files you care about changed
👍 1
I agree, it looks like this might be the best approach for now 🙂 Do you know if there’s anything on the horizon that would allow us to push code independently of the deployment process? I’m happy to open a feature request otherwise!
I submitted a proposal for adding --skip-upload flag to @Chris White - I will try to keep the community up to date via announcements as we release new deployment UX improvements
🙌 2
Interesting! Is there an open feature request I can view on Github for this for background?
Also thanks for the update on this, it’s very helpful
no, only tracked internally
🙏 1