when you call `prefect agent start -q misspelledna...
# prefect-community
when you call
prefect agent start -q misspelledname
it shouldn’t auto create the queue
the queue should be created ahead of time
configuring the queue matters
it should throw an error
Queues are created whenever either a deployment or an agent references them. This is important for e.g. kubernetes deployments where the agent infrastructure gets created before the queue exists (a common stumbling block in one of our tutorials). If you’d like to suggest an enhancement to pass a CLI flag to stop agents from creating queues automatically, we could take it under consideration.
🙏 1
If I add 1,000,000 jobs to a queue… and boot up an agent with no limit on concurrency what will happen
It’ll begin processing them as quickly as it can, depending on any natural backpressure from the infrastructure
and lock up the machines
concurrency values matter
you can’t just blindly create a queue with no concurrency setting
If you would like to create your queue in advance, apply concurrency, and point your deployments and agents at it, you can.
We view queue configuration as an advanced topic, but users who understand how to take advantage of it can definitely do so. I understand your concern about misspelling and think adding an opt-in guard against agent auto-creation could be interesting
ya auto create should be opt in