Looking to get back into prefect now that it is mo...
# prefect-community
Looking to get back into prefect now that it is more stable. I have multiple deployments each with their own flow. Can i prevent the same flow from running twice at the same time while using just one work queue? In the early betas the solution was one work queue or agent per deployment. Edit: dang. Just noticed #5623 is still open
does setting the Flow Run Concurrency on a work queue to 1 not work for this?
I want multiple flows to run at the same time, but not the same flow twice. (Overlap is possible if the flow is taking too long or someone tries to run it manually)
now that queues are part of the deployment for a flow (as of yesterdays 2.1 release) I feel like this should be possible
Ok yeah, i saw something in the changelogs about how work queues were changed. You are probably right
Can i prevent the same flow from running twice at the same time while using just one work queue?
that's what concurrency limits are for, but yeah 100% with the new work queue setup you can solve that by assigning a new work queue name per deployment, solving it in a really simple way
Alright I must be missing something. The new deployment yaml allows me to specify the work queue name, which is great, but wouldn’t it be better if we could also specify the concurrency options? Or what would be the best way to set that new work queues concurrency limit to 1
manually in the UI (lame) or via the REST API I guess
it’s kind of funny though now… if you misspell your queue names it will just auto create the new queue… just happened to me a min ago
when you call
prefect agent start -q misspelledname
That’s got to be a pain to detect. I think for my situation i will use the work queue name option, but also have a little shell script to create the work queues ahead of time. Also I mentioned adding work queue options to the deployment, but the more i think about it the more fishy that sounds design wise.
wouldn’t it be better if we could also specify the concurrency options
you can do so if you create a work queue yourself using one more command:
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prefect work-queue create x --limit 1
if you misspell your queue names it will just auto create the new queue
this is expected - you need to be a bit more careful here, we don't have ML yet predicting typos 😜
this is expected - you need to be a bit more careful here, we don’t have ML yet predicting typos
it should throw an error instead
I’ll start a new thread so we don’t hijack Jared’s
we decided against that - we create a queue if it doesn't exist this follows our principle of incremental adoption
sure, but I don't have anything to add here tbh
you need to be careful about the names that you give
Haha it’s alright clint
if that's helpful, you can first list available queues and only create deployment if your queue exists
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prefect work-queue ls
Jared, I'm not sure if it works for your use case, but Prefect 2.1 added Python deployments, so you could do something like:
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import asyncio
from flows import my_flow
from prefect.deployments import Deployment
from prefect.client import get_client

deployment_name = "my_flow"
work_queue_name = "my_flow_work_queue"

async def run_deployment():
    # create and apply the deployment
    deployment = await Deployment.build_from_flow(
    await deployment.apply()

    # set the work queue concurrency
    client = get_client()
    work_queue = await client.read_work_queue_by_name(work_queue_name)
    await client.update_work_queue(work_queue.id, concurrency_limit=1)

CLI deployments are usually simpler, but I wanted to mention this option in case it is useful!
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Ah great! Missed the get by name function.