Hi all, I have some questions about prefect 2.0 ve...
# prefect-community
Hi all, I have some questions about prefect 2.0 versus 1.0. I use to use prefect 1.0 at a previous company, and am trying to get prefect up and running at a new company. I started down the road of prefect 2.0 but didn’t quite realize how much has changed, and am now wondering if I should stick with prefect 1.0. It looks like there may have been a useful discourse post about this topic (as reference here: https://docs-v1.prefect.io/), but that post no longer exists. Are there other resources on this? Specifically I am most worried about the new UI for prefect 2.0 as it doesn’t seem that useful for my use case - I don’t see the option to start flow runs, view and retry tasks and task graphs, etc.
not sure about task retries, but the other things you're looking for are there, they've just moved to other places due to some conceptual changes. Starting a flow run manually happens from a Deployment now, which serves a similar role to a registered flow in the old UI, but has other attached information and more comprehensive responsibilities too
I'm in the same situation as you, and I've found it worth the time to dig into Prefect 2. It definitely took more time to get used to it after being settled into Prefect 1 for a while, but you'll feel much more powerful once you're through it.
🙌 7
🚀 14
ah ok thanks for the tips @Kevin Grismore!
Same issue as you. I decided to stick with 1 for now. 2 seems very beta still.
I’ve come to appreciate that prefect 1.0 and 2.0 are just different products with pro/cons. 1.0 is objectively better for my workflow
Yes, some concepts have changed, but you should still be able to do a lot of things you can with 1.0 with a better experience. Let us know if you need help with finding functionalities in 1.0 in 2.0
I do use 2.0 for some standalone flows (nested loops are great for some API backfill jobs). I’ve a heavy user of 1) state-handlers and 2) target/filename based result cacheing/checkpointing to remote storage. I also prefer the standalone / stateless nature of 1.0 core (1.0 core is why prefect got so much traction in the first place!). That said, my deployment strategy is a bit ‘bespoke’ lol
@Khuyen Tran My biggest concern is that the new UI does not seem as user friendly as the old UI (even to someone who understands what prefect does). My main use case is allowing non-technical users to run workflows from the UI, and it feels like the new UI is not a place they would feel comfortable going to run flows. A few other questions: Is there any way you can see task graphs in the new UI? Will prefect continue to support 1.0 for the foreseeable future?
Hi @Kathryn Klarich - thanks for the questions and the feedback. Running a flow from 2.0 is definitely possible - as Kevin noted you now do it from a deployment, which you can also edit to set deployment parameters, a schedule and add a description. Or you can do a "quick run" or set ad hoc parameters and run settings. I made a short video to show that for you: https://www.loom.com/share/e1b0a9ccd74a4b28a7d446dc718d12d9 When you say "task graph" are you meaning something similar to the schematic view in 1.0? Can you tell me a little more about what information you get from that? The radar view (which I also show in the video) gives an overview of activity in a flow run and is (I think) closest to what you mean? We're open new ideas and feature requests for 2.0 so do tell us more about what you would like to see.
Thanks @Jenny! That was helpful. Yes I am referring to the schematic view in 1.0 - It was really nice to see visually how each task in the graph is connected and in what order they are running. I really liked to be able to verify that my flow was set up correctly that way. It was also nice to be be able to click on a task from the schematic view and see the logs for that task. I also liked the color coding of the tasks (e.g. it was apparent that if a task was red it had failed, if a task was green it had succeeeded). I’m not really sure what information the radar graph is giving me but maybe I just need to read the docs more and play around with it.
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