Hello, in prefect 1.0 - what can lead a flow’s map...
# prefect-community
Hello, in prefect 1.0 - what can lead a flow’s mapped task to just immediately move to the finished state of
- with no mapped tasks being created, and then to the flow itself just immediatley moving to the
stated - even though nothing failed?
nothing failed, mapped tasks never actually created
I just had this same issue. I was using create_markdown_artifact in my mapped task and when I disabled it my child tasks started as expected
The error I was getting was
prefect.exceptions.ClientError: [{'path': ['create_task_run_artifact'], 'message': 'Task run <task-id> not found', 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'}}]
[2022-08-17 173035+0000] ERROR - prefect.CloudTaskRunner | Task 'extract_postgres_table[4]': Exception encountered during task execution!
I did not use any create markdown. Also, just replaced the mapped task with one that does nothing but write some logs, now the flow succeeds but still no child tasks execute.... Also did not get any explicit error And finally, this entire flow worked earlier today (with the same exact code..)
Sounds to me like some kind of issue in the cloud?
yeah I think so, it just started happening to me today on code that has been in prod for weeks
but same thing, no error, just says mapped but no child tasks actually showed up, etc...I got the error by running prefect agent in debug, no errors in the UI at all
UPDATE: removing create markdown artifact resolved the ERROR but my child tasks are still not running, I don't see them in the UI
Hello! This has been raised to our engineers internally, and we are taking a look at what could be causing this issue.
🙏 1
Thanks for raising this
@Bianca Hoch ty
Hello everyone, just received notice that the incident has been resolved. Please let us know if this comes up again.
💙 2
🙏 1
@Bianca Hoch thx, appreciate the quick response and update
child tasks! thanks @Bianca Hoch