[Error with Prefect Docker Agent on AWS EC2] Hello...
# prefect-community
[Error with Prefect Docker Agent on AWS EC2] Hello, I followed the minitutorial here but did not work and got the following error (see pic) @Jamie Zieziula any idea how can I fix this? 😕
I've spent some time this week trying to get this to work Prefect 2.0 as well. The problem seems to be that amazon linux 2 is built with sqlite3 version 3.7.17 -- but Prefect 2.0 has a hard dependency on sqlite3 version 3.24.0. All my attempts to update sqlite3 within the amazon linux 2 image have failed. Im trying to get it to work in ubuntu now
yea this module is built for prefect 1.0! we have it in our backlog to get this updated to support 2.0.
@Jamie Zieziula thanks for the update! @Mike Grabbe thanks for information on where the error is! I will also try on different machines, please let me know if you get it running
@Jaime Raldua Veuthey, I got the ec2 docker agent to work on ubuntu, but ran into trouble scripting it out in the userdata shell script. I ended up abandoning this module for now and moving over to the ECS cloud formation templates here. I got those up and running pretty quick.
Thanks for the tip @Mike Grabbe! I will give it a shot this weekend
@Mike Grabbe did you get any problem running the workflow "1 Initial - Deploy Prefect agent to ECS" ? In the Action "Create blocks" >"Build S3 block" I keep getting the error
"prefect.exceptions.PrefectHTTPStatusError: Client error '422 Unprocessable Entity' for url '***/block_types/slug/s3'"
It appears when it tries to save the block from the python file with
s3.save("prod", overwrite=True)
never mind, solved it 🙂