hey team - I'm having some trouble with my agents ...
# prefect-community
hey team - I'm having some trouble with my agents picking up work from my work queue, what is the best way to debug?
I'm running an agent locally, my agent is connected to the work queue with the correct tag
but my flow is stuck "pending", it has only 1 tag and it matches my work queue
Hey Brad, I would double check the tags in both your work queue AND your deployment. The work queue will pick up any deployments that meet all the tag requirements. I have included some docs on Prefect work queues and agents, maybe these will help. https://docs.prefect.io/concepts/work-queues/
ooooh okay - let me check the deployment, thanks @Matt Conger
okay, so the deployment tag matches
okay, nuking the work queue, and recreating from the CLI (originally created in the UI) fixed the problem
🙌 3
Awesome, glad the issue got resolved
👍 1
👍 1