Hello! In Prefect 1.0, I have my flow run_config s...
# prefect-community
Hello! In Prefect 1.0, I have my flow run_config set to call a function set_run_config. From that function, is it possible to access the labels that have been added to the flowrun?
why would you want to retrieve run config labels?
it's not possible but it also not needed - labels are really a build-time concept not relevant for the flow code
curious about your use case for this - is it to manage environments like dev/prod distinction? if so, check out https://discourse.prefect.io/t/how-to-distinguish-between-various-environments-development-staging-production-in-prefect-flows/179
and in Prefect 2.0, this becomes much easier thanks to workspaces and profiles + improved CLI-driven deployment UX - no need to hardcode environment information in your code thanks to the 2.0 awesomeness 🎉
Thanks! Yes, that’s the use case, to manage environments. I’ve been looking at that post, but can’t see how you’d extend it to add a third environment, say staging. The code there seems to deal with two environments, dev (running as local), or prod (running on k8s). I’m mulling a move to 2.0 (and love the new features/ways of working!), but since we’ve invested quite a bit in ECS and 2.0 doesn’t support that yet, I’m a little reluctant
soon 🙂
Good to hear!
Am I right in thinking that code only allows you to deal with two environments? Worried that I’m missing something…then I’ll stop fiddling around trying to get something to work!
as many environments as you like
Really sorry, I’m being dumb here, but I can’t quite figure it out! 🙈 Just wondering how I’d add another environment to the below example from your Discourse post:
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def set_run_config(local: bool = False) -> RunConfig:
    if local:
        return LocalRun(labels=["dev"])
    aws_account_id = Secret("AWS_ACCOUNT_ID").get()
    return KubernetesRun(
There’s the
if local
line and then it falls back to
. Not sure how I’d add another one there?
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def set_run_config(env: str = "local") -> RunConfig:
    if env == "local":
        return LocalRun(labels=["dev"])
    elif env == "staging":
        return DockerRun(labels=["staging"])
    aws_account_id = Secret("AWS_ACCOUNT_ID").get()
    return KubernetesRun(
just example
Awesome! Thanks! And one final question, how do I set
? Or how will
be different in each environment?
This is just a string passed to the function, you could call it Bratwurst if you want to :)
Ah ok, I suppose my question was more how to set the value in the flow, so for example this works:
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with Flow(FLOW_NAME, storage=set_storage(FLOW_NAME), run_config=set_run_config(env="test"),) as flow:
But this doesn’t:
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env = os.getenv('ENV_SWITCH')
with Flow(FLOW_NAME, storage=set_storage(FLOW_NAME), run_config=set_run_config(env="test"),) as flow:
I need to be able to have it set dynamically for this use-case
It doesn't work that way, this value must be sent as metadata to the API -- I think what you need is a different cloud tenant to manage multiple environments but given that Cloud 2 and Prefect 2 is the LTS product, I wouldn't optimize for that now. In 2.0 switching between environments is as simple as switching your CLI profile
Which API are you referring to? Can I pass to the graphql api?
So normally if you’re using the proposed solution here, you’d need to register a different flow for each environment (staging, test and prod)?