Hi, what is a way to pass local `.prefect/config.t...
# prefect-community
Hi, what is a way to pass local
file to runtime environment? For example, I’m writing
in VScode, when I run the test, it always fail for not finding the secrets that specified in that config file. I can only run in CLI
python flow.py
What kind of secrets you try to access from
AWS secret keys for example
We suggest that you use block to save your credentials in 2.0
no, I’m using 1.x version. Also, I’m trying to setup in local development runtime environment. Not in UI.
basically, when I run CLI
python flow.py
it is fetching the secrets fine. But when I run unit tests, it is not fetching the secrets even after I set the python setting to setup this environment variable
@Mason Menges Maybe you know about this? I’m not very familiar with 1.0
👀 1
Hey @Tony Yun I'm having some trouble visualizing this in my head when you're referring to a local runtime environment are you just referring to a virtual environment on your local machine or a container image when the code is running?
a virtual environment on my local machine. I can do
export PREFECT__USER_CONFIG_PATH=~/.prefect/config
so if I run
python flow.py
it will fetch the secrets properly. How can I fetch the secrets too if I want to run an unit-test on VScode.
I’ve dumped
as part of
, however it didn’t help. so I wonder what’s the trick to load the Prefect secrets locally
actually pls ignore me. I have some issues that I have to fix first.
No worries, I was just trying to see if I could reproduce what you were experiencing 😄 Let us know if you get it sorted out.