I'm trying to get a prefect 2 agent running on ecs...
# prefect-community
I'm trying to get a prefect 2 agent running on ecs using: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-recipes/tree/main/aws/prefect. I might be trolling, but where can I find my [ACCOUNT-ID] for the api url? I was able to find the [WORKSPACE-ID] through the attached screenshot, but idk how to found the [ACCOUNT-ID]... Here's the docs I'm following: https://docs.prefect.io/concepts/settings/#prefect_api_url.
Hey @Blake Hamm I don't believe the account ID is exposed in the UI specifically but you can find it in the url when you're logged in.
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Ahh. Doiii. I got it. Thanks for the quick response!
No problem 😄
I ran into this too - it'd be great to document it somewhere. I googled
prefect configure agent
prefect find account id
in vain before I found something mentioning the account ID in the URL