hey Prefect Community, has anyone had any luck wit...
# prefect-community
hey Prefect Community, has anyone had any luck with hosting/running Prefect 2.0 in Kubernetes? In particular the UI? We were able to get prefect 2.0 running in Kubernetes using the prefect kubernetes command to generate a manifest deployment yaml, but the issue we're facing is the UI is making requests calls to To complicate matters... we have a kubernetes ingress setup to handle ssl termination for us
Hey @Jeffrey Lam This article is probably a good place to start https://discourse.prefect.io/t/prefect-1-0-prefect-2-0-kubernetes-run-config-to-kubernetesjob-infrastructure-block/1229 it goes over the necessities in getting the kubernetes infrastructure up and running.
hey @Mason Menges thanks, but this isn't what I'm looking for, we're trying to run our own local prefect instance in kubernetes and not run flows as KuburneteJobs
Ah, yep this wouldn't be super helpful then. I'm pretty sure you should be able to configure the url the UI is making calls to via the CLI, you can see all of the configurable settings with this command
Copy code
prefect config view --show-defaults
I believe it's this setting specifically
Kubernetes isn't my forte so I'm not sure beyond that exactly what you'd need to configure for it
Hi, yes. Using the helm chart
@Mason Menges thanks! after a bit of fiddling around with that environment variable we were able to get the UI to work and return data to us
🙌 1
thanks @Jenia Varavva we'll take a look at this
Awesome I'm glad you were able to get it sorted out 😄