I’m using Prefect1.0, when I registered my flow to...
# prefect-ui
I’m using Prefect1.0, when I registered my flow to Cloud with default parameters, why I cannot overwrite them in Prefect UI.., no matter what values I set, they still use the default value at registration time
to overwrite default parameters in 1.0, you would have to reregister your flow you can, though overwrite those at runtime when needed e.g. from Quick run UI
https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/C0192RWGJQH/p1659473292195209?thread_ts=1659469670.821939&cid=C0192RWGJQH for this, does it mean our scheduled flow should be reregistered each time when we wanna change params that are different from default params?
also, in prefect ui, each time we overwrite default value in UI, will that be reflected in params.default attribute?
what problems are you trying to solve? and please could you ask it in one thread, you have currently 2 about the same issue which is confusing