Hi there! I am having an issue with Prefect 1.2.4 ...
# prefect-community
Hi there! I am having an issue with Prefect 1.2.4 running a flow of flows. I followed the tutorial https://www.prefect.io/guide/blog/flow-of-flows-orchestrating-elt-with-prefect-and-dbt/ that is great and helped me a lot to connect DBT with other flows. This was working fine but suddenly start to fails with this error: Error during execution of task: ValueError("Flow 'ETL' not found.")
The ETL flow is there and when I run it manually it works. Seems like the problem is when the "flow of flows" call the ETL flow and is not able to find it. Anyone else have this issue?
Hi @Mateo Merlo a couple questions: ā€¢ where are you seeing this error? (e.g. Prefect Cloud logs, on your machine, someplace else?) ā€¢ what is your
/ runtime infrastructure?
Hi @Nate! Thanks for your response. 1. In Prefect Cloud logs. 2. I'm using GCS as storage and the run_config:
Copy code
flow.run_config = DockerRun(
            env={"PREFECT__CLOUD__HEARTBEAT_MODE": "thread"}
The custom image is built from this `Dockerfile`:
Copy code
FROM prefecthq/prefect:1.2.4-python3.8

COPY requirements.txt /app/

RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
    pip install --no-cache-dir -r app/requirements.txt

COPY . /app/

RUN pip install -e .
@Nate sorry to ping you again but do you have any idea where this issue can come from?
Hi @Mateo Merlo, apologies for the delay I'm not immediately sure but later today I'll look at that tutorial and try to reproduce that issue
@Nate I just solved it. It was a typo error in the StartFlowRun params šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
Thanks so much for your help! simple smile
šŸ‘ 1
great to hear!