In the attached link, you explain that the new sto...
# prefect-community
In the attached link, you explain that the new storage blocks make it easier to include not just flow code in the storage but also other python dependencies and code. But - there is no explanation there (or in the link inside that leads to the documentation about deployments) for how exactly this can be done. The examples for deployments only explain how to include flow code in the storage. Are there such examples somewhere, or can you elaborate more?
those might be good pointers for more info for now, there will be more content in the next weeks
So the idea is to (for example) put extra code or dependencies in s3? I'm not sure I understand 😔
you mean your custom modules? yes
Ah so then we will put our requirements.txt --> folders from these --> into the S3 / google cloud storage?
@Anna Geller
you can put whatever you wish there - no limits here
🙌 1
One thing I noticed rather late but might help this discussion: prefect automatically packs the dependencies/files which are IN the same local folder as your deployment manifest to your remote storage. So if you configure S3 to be your remote storage, and put all your dependency modules in a subfolder of your flow, and run prefect deploymemt build, it all is automatically uploaded to S3 without us needing to manually pack stuff. I had to work around my project structure a little bit, but this way dependency management got super easy
Nice one @Andreas Nigg