Hi all and congrats on the new GA release! I have ...
# prefect-community
Hi all and congrats on the new GA release! I have a question: In latest beta versions we were able to have multiple Deployments specified in a yaml file separated with --- and then by running
prefect deployment create deployments.yaml
we were able to deploy them all at once in Prefect Server. I have seen that there are a lot of changes in GA compared to latest beta and I took a look at the updated docs about it. However I think that some (important to me) functionality is missing compared to what we had in beta. Is there an easy way in the new GA deployments procedure to have multiple flows in a yaml file or an alternative way to deploy multiple flows at once without having to call
prefect deployment build ......
prefect deployment apply deployment.yaml
manually for each single flow that we have?
🙏 2
👀 3
🎯 1
🙌 2
We're just getting started on what you will be able to do with deployments and with Prefect 2.0 in general! I hear you and I've already directed your request to the product team, it's on our radar to make the deployment manifest work for multiple flows in a project- but thanks for raising that
❤️ 4
Anyone else getting stuck when running the command
prefect deployment build
Copy code
Version:             2.0.0
API version:         0.8.0
Python version:      3.8.9
Git commit:          29889eb4
Built:               Wed, Jul 27, 2022 12:44 PM
OS/Arch:             linux/x86_64
Profile:             default
Server type:         hosted
Following the guide here and also Anna’s Github repository on deployment guides. There is no further output in the console after the manifest.json file is created (screenshot below):
S3 Bucket has been created as a Block in the Prefect Cloud UI prior to running this command:
prefect deployment build {PATH_TO_FLOW.PY}:{FLOW_NAME} --name dev --tag dev -sb s3/{BUCKET_NAME}
The above command completes if the -sb flag is dropped, indicating an issue with S3 bucket, but no useful errors printed (command just hangs in the terminal and never completes). Is there any way to overcome this ?
looks like you try to upload lots of files - we'll expose a feature soon to allow skipping some files
Hey Anna, I was testing a single file
, with only 1 flow as well. [/flows/hello.py] Just using example code from https://orion-docs.prefect.io/. Not specifying --storage-block or -sb and the deployment builds successfully
Same issue with gcs