Hi, what is the suggested way to set a flow config...
# prefect-community
Hi, what is the suggested way to set a flow configuration value, like a sandbox API URL, across a flow-of-flows? We are currently using Parameters, but it appears I can only set paramters for the parent flow in the UI. I can’t directly set the child flow parameters, too.
in Prefect 1.0 you can use
, which accepts a
kwarg as shown here (in the Python Client tab)
I saw you already mentioned that you're currently sticking with prefect 1.0, but just for context its worth mentioning that in prefect 2.0 its much simpler, you can just call any
decorated function from another flow and pass arguments like any other python function like
Copy code
from prefect import flow, task

@task(name="Print Hello")
def print_hello(name):
    msg = f"Hello {name}!"
    return msg

@flow(name="My Subflow")
def my_subflow(msg):
    print(f"Subflow says: {msg}")

@flow(name="Hello Flow")
def hello_world(name="world"):
    message = print_hello(name)

gratitude thank you 1
Thanks! It looks like I’ll have to hoist the DAG-wide configuration parameters from the child flows into the root flow so I can set them from the UI, or whatever per-environment configuration mechanism we end up using.