Hi All - I'm trying to replicate the Automations f...
# prefect-azure
Hi All - I'm trying to replicate the Automations feature where: anytime any Flow fails -> log to App Insights (using OpenCensus and with Custom Dimensions) with run details (similar details as the Jinja variables like {{flow.name}}). What are some options and best practices here? cc: @Ryan Peden
+ @Will Raphaelson
Im not super familiar with those systems, one question though, do they support ingestion via a webhook? We could hit their webhook with a paramaterized payload.
Else we could have the flow kick off another flow that does this work, but that kinda short changes the real value of the observability system as divorced from your infra - if theres an infra problem neither will run.
Thanks, @Chris Reuter and @Will Raphaelson for taking a look! I actually believe we have a solution. Syncing internally soon on this and I'll reply with what we decided for posterity.
cool cool thanks
Closing the loop here: with the 2.8.3 release, we'll be leveraging the on_failure hook. That is, we'll have a task which extracts/parses flow data and sends to Application Insights as an on_failure task (https://discourse.prefect.io/t/prefect-2-8-3-is-here-with-completion-and-failure-hooks-for-flows-and-tasks/2437)