I am attempting to migrate prefect1 flows to prefe...
# prefect-community
I am attempting to migrate prefect1 flows to prefect2. My prefect1 flow uses LocalDaskExecutor as my executor, Docker as my storage, and KubernetesRun as my run_config. It seems like prefect2 no longer supports docker as a storage class. What is the best way to store flows that span multiple files using prefect2?
I used to use Docker storage as well, but we moved away from it already in prefect 1 because it took too long to deploy flows when it had to build the image each time. Bucket storage (s3/gcs/az blobs) seems very popular, and it is what I do mostly (I’m on Azure, so I have a dedicated storage account for the flow code). There has been some announcements about storing flows in docker, but I haven’t seen any real examples (not that I have been looking). https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/prefect-2-3-0-adds-support-for-flows-defined-in-docker-images-and-github-repositories-79a8797a7371
Prefect 2 supports Docker for storage. Here’s an example of putting the flow in a Docker image with Prefect and K8s: https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/how-to-use-kubernetes-with-prefect-part-3-e2223ce34ba7